Welcome to the Prokaryotic Virus Remote Homologous Groups database (aka. PHROGS)
PHROG : families of prokaryotic virus proteins clustered using remote homology.
Terzian P*, Olo Ndela E*, Galiez C, Lossouarn J, PĂ©rez Bucio RE, Mom R, Toussaint A, Petit MA, Enault F.
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2021, lqab067,
This database contains 38,880 PHROGs (protein orthologous groups) containing 868,340 proteins from complete genomes of viruses infecting bacteria or archaea (2,318 from RefSeq and 2,669 from GenBank, april 2018), in addition to 12,498 curated prophages derived from cultivated microbial isolates (Roux et al., 2015).
only one standardized annotation was attributed to each PHROG (using RefSeq annotations, and comparison of each PHROG to Pfam, UNIPROT, KEGG and the ACLAME database)
This website provides access to :
- all prokaryotic virus genomes from the viruses table and select one to see its taxonomy, list of proteins, genomic map, etc...
- all PHROGs from the PHROGs table and select one to see its annotation, list of proteins, multiple alignment, comparison results to Pfam, Uniprot, KEGG, etc...
Viruses and PHROGs can also be access using search tools below.